Sunday, March 04, 2007

Any wonder?

Is it any wonder I feel I can't talk to my parents about me with comments like this?

After some one saying 'queer': "Why is it that there are queers on all the TV shows? They are everywhere now."

I know maybe if I told them it would be different. They wouldn't be saying stuff, well possibly, but I know they would be still thinking it.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Stupid question of the week, 2/03/07

There have been quite a few all week but all the same really. The one today not really a question more a stupid statement/question. I just ended up laughing over it for about 5 minutes.

Person: "Went out and bought myself an ipod yesterday. Got it home and opened it all up. Sat there looking at it and wondered about how you got the music onto it?"

Me: "Erm, generally you have to have a computer and transfer that way."

Person: "But I don't have a computer!"

Me: 5 minutes of laughing..."oh!"

Slightly cruel maybe. Generally you don't go and buy something like that for that kinda money without knowing something about it.

Leave me alone

Not been home long and already slightly pissed off. Just please leave me for a bit. Just left one place and walked into it in another. I'll do what I want, when I want, how I want. If I want something somewhere I'll leave it there.

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