Sunday, September 09, 2007


How can you be in a room with people, talk to them, and come away not knowing anymore about them?...maybe even less!

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Well it's been another long stretch dear blog! Don't worry I'm not back for a whinge and a moan. Just letting the blog world I'm still here, poss feeling better in some ways than I have for a while. Work still needs to be done but life aint all bad!

Well the world of work could be taking a step forward. Interviewed on Weds, being told next Wed. Keeping everything crossed. Is it what I wanna be doing? Who knows? Should I be 100% sure? Possibly, but then who is. All I know is it will be a step forward from the situation I'm in now. If I don't like it after a while then thinking it will be easier to step forward then from the last 7 years.

Doubt has been planted by certain people ("Why do you want to leave?" "...sounds like some boring office job..." "...but it's all totally different from what you know...") but hey I know deep down I'm trying to do the right thing. It's a good feeling, apart from the finding of it, that I've got through 2 stages of the selection proccess from all my own work. I've not relied on anyone, asked anyone to read what I've written and all the answers came from me. If it doesn't work out, well the search starts again, if it does then BRILLIANT!

This could be and exciting/interesting month or so. Trip sorting next...not sure what I'm more nervous about?

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