Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Words have both the power to build or destroy

Found this on a forum of a site I belong to. I read it and it suddenly made me think of all the times I had said stuff that I shouldn't have said. It made me think of all the times people had said negative stuff to me and how it had affected me. Not once did I really think of the 'build' part of it.

I for one know that I need to do more of the first and definately less of the second when talking. I don't think I'm a bad, horrible person, just sometimes my mouth runs off with me (more so with alcohol) before my brain is in gear. Then it's to late. The damage is done. I instantly feel bad about it and usually apologise. I think the apologies are now wearing a little thin.

*Added 26/04/05*
Received this in an email from a mate:

"You're right; words do hav the power to build and destroy shit, but if someone you really care about says those words they got power to completely destroy people or build them into someone they didn't believe they could be. my experience is that peolple do things to destroy other people and build other people the most without even thinking about it, but i do think about it, and what have i done? make of that what u will!"


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