Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Think I just totally stuffed up my new search for jobs. Got to the place and was fine, but once inside....bleugh....Mr Nervous returns. Well it started brill, couldn't find my CV on their system which I know I def e-mailed to them on Sat. No copy on me so prepared as ever!

Then onto the questions. "What am I looking for? Where? Salary? " To which alll that came outta my mouth was "Eeerr....not sure." Yeah great! Then the "how much time have you had off sick in the past year?" question. The truth came out, "two weeks" which was met with a gasp and look of horror. Look lady, it's been a bad year, go look at the previous 4, then look at me in horror....not even 2 again in total. Think the only good part was me using their computer and doing some programm tests. F@%ked up the typing bit but hey I gave it a go.

Now gotta find 2 refernces which will be fun cos she don't want my current job, the previous guy just died and with another previous she is off ill and may not go back! Looking good!


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