Monday, August 11, 2008

The One

My last Kylie post I promise...well maybe for a while anyway...

Finally the weeks of waiting are over. After days of being told that there was editing trouble The One finally has the video it deserves and yep, it was def worth the wait . Although not paid for by Parlophone but by Kylie herself (made mainly because us fans were crying out for a vid to be made) and was described as a 'budget' video before release I think that's far from the case.

It's a 'cut-down' version of the Freemasons remix so perhaps not what some people were hoping for but something is def better than nothing! Jason Beitel stars (one of Kylie's dancers from the tours) along with a female dancer, her name I don 't know, but does not take the attention away from Kylie, try as Jason might in his (small)pants lol! Kylie, Jason and the girl 'flip/grow' in and out of a kaleidascope of graphics and effects and Kylie goes through a number of costume and hair changes. It's been desribed as having 'Windows Media Player' or 'Screensaver' effects. Somehow it's better than this but I can see where people are coming from and what can you expect for a 'budget video'?

Seeing as the video was never meant to be and was made during and just after a very long European tour, some of the reviews this video is getting are very, very harsh. And this is from supposed 'fans'! Well see for yourself and decide - Parlophone (pah!) Youtube link

Hopefully it will get the song noticed by more people. Last week it entered the charts at #36, which considering that was from just being a download only wasn't that bad (iTunes link ). It did unfortunately break Kylie's long run of top 10s. This week it's way down at #83, not good.

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