Friday, December 30, 2005


Well here's to 2005. Writin early cos i'm thinking it and may not have time/be bothered at another point. Also just been to the pub, thinkin about things and don't wanna do bed just yet.

You've actually taught me quite a lot or should that be I've learnt and found out quite a lot? It's been a tough one. looking back all the bad times don't seem that bad (well most of them). It was a chance for me to be tested. A chance to see how I would cope.

I've learnt who my true mates are. To you thanks for being there and sticking by me. To the rest....well maybe we'll sort it? (maybe I need to tell some this exists first?).

I've learnt you don't realise how much some one means to you until there is the smallest chance they could leave your life. The fact you are powerless to do anything. You complain about them, get annoyed with them, but that's life.

I've finally realised, and still learning, that letting it out in one big BLEUGH don't get you nowhere or gain you friends. Gotta think and talk about it sensibly.

Not to get hung up on one thing or person and let it take over your life. If it all goes bad then that's it. What now? Keep an even balance and don't concentrate, plan, or rely on one thing.

Well that's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of and have to add more.

So here's to 2005 and lets hope 2006 still carries things forward!


Oh yeah....p.s. any comments appreciated


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