Sunday, September 24, 2006

10 Steps

Ten steps to being a better gay

(Not gonna own up to how many I could follow.)

1) Demolish false idols; ie, the Margaret Thatcher of Pop - Madonna.

2) Obsess only on people who will attend your funeral - accept now that Victoria Beckham won't be among them.

3) Realise that it's left-field ideology, such as the Health Service, which is saving gay men's lives, NOT Kylie.

4) Accept that mental health problems are more prevalent than ABBA.

5) Understand that drag is dead; grieve and move on.

6) Understand that gay men are made from more than muscle and cock.

7) Realise that Religion is the enemy of all things queer. (no so sure on that one)

8) Stop watching shite like Queer Eye For The Straight Guy.

9) Stop the hetrosexualisation of homsexuality; don't adopt broken hetrosexual constraints.

10) Belive that everybody is worth love.


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