Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Random posting

Thought I'd better make a post as I've not for over a week. Not alot to put, same old, same old. Some parts are movin on, but then others not, and some even creeping backwards. Think I was doing better than I was but feel myself sometimes going back and doing the things I had tried hard to stop. There are couple of main things I'm tryin to move forward on, none seem to be happening fast. Will it be a waking one day and a sudden all falling into place?


This was going to be a post on Sunday but never posted...still not totally sure I wanna...

I don't mean to pry, I really don't. And if things are not told to me then fair enough. Just hard and annoyin sometimes, when I'm often so free with what I tell, that it's not the same for every one. Questons are aske to me so equalliy I ask questions. I know I'm told more than most and I hope trust is never the issue, been burnt too many times myself to do the same. What is said to me stays with me. I know I don't need to know all and I know I have no right over others. I know I can be over bearing sometimes. Things don't need to be different. If this is the way they are, this is the way they are. I just need to understand this and not be so 'me' about it.


Do I need to pay more attention to my life? Stop trying to help and sort out? Getting bored of figuring and analysing mine. Is that the problem, I am keeping myself 'busy' so I don't sit and ponder? But if they need/want it I gotta help.

Maybe I should stop worrying about it all and just get on with it. Try and let people accept me for who and what I am. Often say I do but always thinking about what I'm saying and doing so I don't look the fool. Surely who I'm with know me well enoguth by now? The things I'm trying to change about myself are the things that need to be changed for everyone's sake. The rest who knows? Live with it?


Basically everything is still bleugh in my head, I still have no clue and I really want to find the answers. Maybe not all of then but some would be handy. Just all feels a bit fcked up sometimes and I just wanna give up.


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