Thursday, January 04, 2007

New year new me?

Well once again it's come to that time (happy new year by the way!) where everyone decides what they are going to change or try to do in their life. Never really made resolutions because more often than not the ones made are stuff that you should or at least could do in your life anyway. Saying that I have been thinking for most of the week about stuff I could be doing:
  1. Thought about this before the new year anyway and have decided to (try) and stop smoking. Did it before can do it again. It's not really at a serious point yet but will cut it out before I become totally addicted.
  2. Not really a new thing but I want to continue not relying on my friends so much. I've been doing well over the pasrt month and not been as bad as I was. Also got passed the stage of worrying about it being perceived as me ignoring them. I've just realised we don't need to be in constant contact, always together and always doing something. As always two way traffic and tired of doing the chasing with some. Seem to have also become more comfortable with myself and being on my own. Maybe others would argue?
  3. Hopefully this will be the year I 'find myself', get out there and start enjoying life a little more. Feel like my confidence has risen, a little way to go yet but definately improved.
  4. Maybe ties in alittle with point 1 but feel I need to start looking after myself a little more. Did think I had it sorted a while back but stuff happended and I'm back way past the starting point. Need to do some inquiring and looking around.
  5. Job...nuff said. Was gonna use this week as a starting point, but chilling seems to have come first...I will get there...why is it I'm more motivated the busier I am and less time I have for things?

Well that's a start. Wasn't going to make a list/resolution thing but at least it gives me something to look back at and hopefully tick off. No doubt more can/will be added.

Maybe not a new me, just an updated, slightly improved version.


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