One room+me+23 years=FCK!
Well I'm nearly there. Two black bags and one box full of cardboard and I'm gettin my room sorted. Stated on Sun, did a bit yesterday and hopefully finnish today. left the worse part 'til last. The dreaded draws/paperwork!
Felt a bit sad about it when I started Sun. I knew I had to throw a lot away but hadn't really thought about what it all was and what some had once meant to me. Felt like I was throwing part of me and my past away. I knew I still had the memories and the pictures for a long as they lasted. Somehow it still felt bad going thru the things remembering how I had collected them and why I had kept them.
Something in me then sparked to life and I remembered why I was doing this. To give me a better space to be in. To give me a chance to clear out the things that had once meant something to me but now didn't seem that important anymore. To give me chance to have a new, fresh start with the new year. To give me a chance to become more 'me' and not hang on to the past and be surrounded by the 'old me' things.
I'm sure I can clear a lot more, but hey, one bag at a time.
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