Sunday, February 05, 2006

Keep going

Not really got anything to put on here but feel i should post just cos I've not for a week. Just thinking I don't wanna keep postin stuff on here and not sortin it, but on the other hand don't wannna give up and stop posting seeing as I've made it to this point.

Been a pretty ok week and seem pretty happy at the moment so prob hence the lack of posts. Work has been a bit hectic but just got on with it. No point in gettin all hung up on it and annoyed cos I still gotta deal with it either way. Now have a week off so who knows what is gonna happen, def need to sort some stuff out. Menatally and physically.

Think I'm still improving in myself. Still tryin to keep it all good. Spose I'd need others say on that one. Been a couple of slips but think I'm on the up.....? Def not feelin as crap on the whole thing as I was anyway.

Who knows? Thanx for getting this far with me.


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